Saturday, October 3, 2009

Another sea day and so another day to sleep in - ahhhhh! :-)  It’s lovely getting up late (but not too late to miss breakfast in the dining room). More poached eggs - boy, are they good!

There was no line dancing class today (rats!) and so we decided to try our hand at Brainbuster Trivia. We should have stayed home!
:-)  We met up with some people, Faye and Norm, who we had met previously and are from Brisbane and they became part of our team along with another couple. The questions were obscure and so we didn’t do very well - I think we got 9 out of 20. I love playing trivia games, but it’s not much fun when you haven’t a clue about so many of the questions. I’m not sure if we will attend this trivia game again.

After trivia, it was time for our lecture on the Liners to the Sun - Part II. John Maxtone-Graham is a great storyteller, but we found that this series wasn’t as interesting as the first liners series was. He told us about some of the cruise ships he and his wife had gone on and although it was still enjoyable to listen to him talk, we’re glad that this particular series has only two parts. We are looking forward to the next series of his about Arctic and Antarctic exploration.

The seas were very choppy today and so Sue was very sick - she hadn’t taken her Dramamine pills in a few days as the seas had been fine. So, instead of having lunch in the dining room, we ordered hamburgers and fries and brought them back to the room to eat. Sue ended up taking a pill and then had a very nice long nap. Mike snuck down for some pastries and read some of his book before succumbing to a nap also.

Sue felt much better after her nap (and her trusty Dramamine) and so we decided to do some laundry since we will have three port days coming up starting tomorrow. The laundry was quite a busy place and as it turns out, quite a social place as well. While we were waiting for our clothes to wash and dry we started talking with two couples (one from Thunder Bay and the other from Simcoe (both in Ontario) and it turns out that one of the women was a teacher and we got to talking a lot about that. We chatted with them for quite a while and so the time went by quickly.

Sue didn’t want to eat much for supper and so she had fajitas and Mike had the duck which he quite enjoyed. After supper, we headed down to one of the lounges to take in a show of a singer we had seen before and thought was good, but the room was completely full and so we decided to head back to the room and read some before heading out again to see the entertainment crew lead a “Game 4 a Laugh’ show. Basically they divided the room in half and then played 5 short funny games using members of the audience. For instance, one game was to pass a hat on your head to the person besides you left or right depending on the number called by the crew. If the member said the number three, the people had to stop passing their hats and squawk like chickens. Another game, a member of each team had to come to the front of the room first with an item asked for by the crew members. Luckily for us, we never had to go up the front - it’s much more fun to watch others make a fool of themselves. :-)

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