Thursday, September 24, 2009

We have decided not to set alarms to wake us up while we are cruising at sea and so today we woke up at 7:30am and then watched tv ‘til 8:30am. After showering, we headed up to the Portofino again for another delicious meal (poached eggs for Sue and salmon scrambled eggs for Mike).

After that, we decided to go and check out what the book club was all about. There were only about 14 people there, but I think that’s enough anyway - too many is not good from my own experience with the book club at Bolton Library. They had five books to choose from and so we chose “Just Take My Heart” by Mary Higgins Clark (she is one of my favourite authors). We were told by Romeo (one of the entertainment staff) what we will discuss the book in a couple of weeks or so. It’s starting off to be an interesting read.

We next went to have a pub lunch - we just love English food. Sue had the cottage pie (beef, carrots, peas in gravy topped with mashed potato and Mike had the bangers (sausages) and mash (potatoes). Another yummy meal. We have decided already that we are not that keen on the little cakes they put out for lunch at the buffet, so we are going to have a soft ice-cream every day instead.

After lunch, we went up to the top deck and enjoyed “Movies under the Stars” which was a Barry Manilow concert on the big screen. He is such a great entertainer and we thoroughly enjoyed watching the one hour show.

We tried going in the water after that, but it was a bit too cold, so we settled for a hot tub instead.

Again we were tuckered out and so we had a lovely nap in our cabin - I think this will be a daily tradition when we are at sea.

Suppertime again and we were seated at a table with some lovely people including John and Elizabeth from Australia. After eating another amazing dinner of Beef Tenderloin (Sue) and Peking Duck (Mike) we joined Elizabeth and John at the evening show Spotlight Showtime” starring Lisa Donovan who is a great singer and sang mostly Judy Garland tunes.

After changing into more casual/warm clothes, we went up to deck 14 for ‘Movies Under the Stars’ to watch the movie “Bedtime Stories” starring Adam Sandler. It was an okay movie, but it was nice being out on deck munching on popcorn as we relaxed on our deck chairs under a blanket.

Mike relaxing on a deck chair reading our Book Club selection by Mary Higgins Clark.

Sue sitting on a deck chair reading the Book Club selection by Mary Higgins Clark.

Victoria and Noel - Princess Ballroom Dancers.

Barry Manilow on the big screen.

Mike ready to go swimming.

Sue ready to go swimming.

Mike ready for dinner.

Sue ready for dinner.

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