Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another day at sea and we are quite enjoying these - they are so relaxing and we love those kind of days. We woke up at 7:45am and dressed right away and went upstairs to the deck to get our deck chairs. We couldn’t believe how many had already been reserved! We talked to one fellow sitting on his chair and he said that people had started saving chairs at 6:30am!

We basically spent the whole day sitting on our deck chairs and reading. We went into the pool a couple of times to cool off and then go back on our chairs and spent more time reading. We got breakfast at the Horizon Grill which is the buffet restaurant as you are not supposed to be away from your deck chairs for longer than half an hour or else they say they will take your stuff away. I don’t know if this is true or not, but we didn’t want to take a chance.

Lunch was at the hamburger grill - Mike had hamburger and fries and I had fries and I went down to the Deck 5 and got a quiche and brought it back up to our deck chairs. We quite enjoyed this light fare, but I must admit that I missed being served. We stayed on deck until about 5pm at which time we had to go and get ready for dinner. What a delightful day we had doing nothing today. :-)

We also cancelled our trip tomorrow in Apia, Western Samoa. We had booked a trip that was a bus tour around part of the island which ended at Tafa Tafa beach for the rest of the tour time. However, there had been an earthquake in the pacific ocean last week and a tsunami resulted from it and it affected part of Western Samoa. We got a notice from the Shore Excursions department telling us that the tour was still on, but that there would be no food provided. The tour went from 9:30am - 3:30pm and we didn’t want to go that long without food (you are not allowed to bring food off the ship). So we cancelled the trip and have just decided to go and walk about the town when we get there.

For supper tonight, I chose the spaghetti and meatballs with tomato sauce. One of my favourite meals at home, but on the ship, the tomato sauce seems to be real tomatoes (which I don’t like hot) and olive oil. I did not like it at all and so I asked for another meal (fettucine alfredo) which they have on the menu every day and it was very delicious. Mike chose the chicken cutlets which he said were yummy, too. We had an all Canadian table which was fun and unusual. There are a lot of Canadians on this cruise, but we haven’t ever had a full Canadian table. We sat with Sue and Paul from Markham and Gail and Danny from Vancouver Island.

After dinner, the show was done by the Star Princess Singers and Dancers and it was titled ‘Motor City’ and was basically singing songs and dancing of Motown music. The show was a good one - we find though that the singing of some of the entertainment group is lacking and the dancers don’t always keep in sync with each other. It’s a little annoying at times, but it makes for a relaxing evening and it’s something to do after we eat and before we go to bed.

Two of the lead singers of the Princess Singers and Dancers.

The Princess Singers and Dancers performing in the show 'Motor City'.

Princess Singers and Dancers perform.

One of the lead singers and one of the lead dancers of the Princess Singers and Dancers performing in the show 'Motor City'.

Two of the dancers of the Princess Singers and Dancers performing in the show 'Motor City'.

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