Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Today was another sea day - relaxing as always. We went up early on deck (well early for us - around 10am) and found it hard to find a beach chair. We ended up going upstairs to Deck 15 to find a chair. We sat for a bit and read a bit and I turned over and snoozed a bit. But the chairs weren’t really that comfortable and it was quite windy, so after a while we ended up coming down to the deck that is enclosed and found a nice comfy chair each beside the pool.
We ended up staying there for quite a while reading and just relaxing. We also had a few dips in the hot pool (it was too cool to go in the pool). I really love these sea days - I know that I keep saying that on these days, but they are really relaxing - just being able to do nothing (eg: lay around and read :-) is so nice.

After lunch, and some more relaxing on deck, we came back to the cabin for a little snooze. Dinner as usual was yummy - the food on the ship is really tasty and every meal we have had in the dining room has been really delicious! I am finding that they serve a lot of red meat compared to what we usually eat, though. They also serve a lot of seafood - at least two entrees an evening are some kind of seafood. I also find that the meat servings are twice as big as I need them to be (and I keep forgetting to ask the waiters to bring me smaller portions).

We took longer than usual eating dinner and so were late to the evening show. It was called ‘Shake Rattle and Roll’ and it was by the Princess singers and dancers. It was music from the 50’s and 60’s and so it was fun to watch and sometimes sing along with. There are two of the four main singers who sing really well and two who sing okay - I wish I could find out why they can’t find four dynamite singers. I wonder if the pay isn’t that great or maybe if it is hard to find people to go performing that far from home for so long. But the dancers are really good (even though they don’t always stay in sync with each other) - they sure do have a lot of energy and always have a smile on their faces. There are a couple of them that are amazing and so I find myself mostly watching them.

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