Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We arrived at the pier (27) in San Francisco at about 12:30pm. In short order, we were shuffled along to check-in. Everything went smoothly and we were soon finding our way to our cabin (Aloha deck cabin 335). The cabin is small with a king size bed, two night tables, one small magazine table, desk, tv., bar fridge, closet/shelves and bathroom (small shower, toilet, sink). We have an inside cabin and although it is small, it suits us just fine.

After unloading our carry-on suitcases (the other two bigger suitcases came later), we headed up to the Horizon Buffet for lunch. The buffet is small, but we had a lovely salad and roast turkey with potatoes lunch with little cakes for dessert.

We watched a little tv waiting for the time for the Muster Exercise to begin. This is where all the passengers gather in different areas of the ship and we are given a safety lecture. At the end, the crew demonstrates how to put on a life jacket and then we practice it.

Next was the ‘Sailaway Party’ - we went up on deck to watch the ship (Star Princess) leave the dock at San Francisco. It was really cold up on deck so we decided to go down to the party where they were doing group dances like YMCA, etc. (Sue danced, Mike watched).

After that, it was time for dinner. We chose to go to the Portofino dining room. We have chosen ‘Anytime Dining’ so that we don’t have to eat at a certain time each day. The food is wonderful at the Portofino. For dinner, I had a delicious prime rib.

At 8:15pm, we headed to the Princess Theatre where we watched the evening show ‘Welcome Aboard Showtime’ starring a comedian/ventriloquist called Kevin Johnson. He was a really good ventriloquist, but an average comedian.

We had an early night as we were plum tuckered out. What a great way to start the cruise of a lifetime.

Sue getting ready to board the ship 'The Star Princess' for a thirty day cruise - San Francisco to Sydney, Australia.

Mike getting ready to board the ship.

The sign for the ship 'The Star Princess' - at the bottom of the gangway.

Mike looking at San Francisco from the ship.

Looking at the bow of the ship 'The Star Princess'.

View from the ship.

Pool on the ship - whale in the background.

Going under the Golden Gate Bridge on the way out of the bay.

Looking back at the Golden Gate Bridge after the ship went under it.

Kevin Johnson - ventriloquist/comedian.

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